Metal Gear Solid is a video game series developed and published by Konami, created by Hideo Kojima. The series is known for its complex characters, intriguing plot and innovative gameplay.
The first game in the series, Metal Gear, was released in 1987 for MSX2 and was followed by several other titles, including Metal Gear Solid in 1998 for the PlayStation. The game won critical acclaim for its story and gameplay, which introduced infiltration elements such as stealth, silent eliminations and the use of objects to distract enemies.
Since then, the series has seen numerous other titles, including Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
In addition to games, the Metal Gear Solid series has also spawned numerous merchandise, including comic books, novels, figurines, clothing, mugs and other collectibles. The series has also inspired cinematic works, including the Jordan Vogt-Roberts film to be released in 2023.
In summary, the Metal Gear Solid series is known for its innovative gameplay, complex plot and memorable characters. The franchise has spawned numerous merchandise and influenced popular culture beyond the world of video games. Feel free to browse our category to find your next favorite!